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How to Grow a Rap Video Butt (or at least make it look big like that temporarily). Full Workout Below
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The Official Blog of Diana Gordon

How to Grow a Rap Video Butt (or at least make it look big like that temporarily). Full Workout Below

The other day I published my 2nd Youtube video.

I’ve avoided making Youtube videos for years because well, I look as beginner as I am.

My voice likes to crack like a teenage boy going through puberty…

My camera skills are on the low end of the beginner spectrum…

And I just never made any, so therefore, I never made any.

Funny how that works.

But, the time for being chicken has come to an end and I am now making Youtube videos.

So you’re welcome for getting to hear my beautiful voice and see my beautiful face in action today.

Today’s video has to do with BRO TALK.

I used to wonder why so many guys were in the gym 6pm Friday. Until I saw them out later in their tight t-shirts showing off their pumped up guns and saying things like:

“Power shrugs for shower hugs.”

“Bent over rows before bent over hoes.”

“More plates for dates.”

and the one we are working with today:


Of course glutes are for the slutes, because again, that involves working parts of the legs.

In this case, SLUTE meaning any woman that wants her butt to look ready for a rap video audition,

We’re going to use the same principle as the BROS, but in the bootay.

And just like the Friday night bros, you can temporarily pump your glutes to look a size or two bigger than normal.

I learned this trick from my coach Paul Revelia, fouder of Team Pro Physique while competing at the NPC National Shows in 2020.

The NPC is the National Physiqe Committee and is the most competitive amateur bodybuilding association you can participate in.

Going pro in the NPC for bikini doesn’t happen by accident. I should know. I placed top 10 at 4 National Shows last year, placing as high as 5th, but never took the overall to take my card home.

If your glutes don’t look full and round, you have no chance of placing, let alone getting your Pro Card. So we followed a pretty set program to make them look full and round on stage.

Me onstage at the NPC Teen, Collegiate, & Master’s Nationals October 12th 2020 in Orlando

How did we do it?

I’ve put together the full workout in this video.

It’s a simple circuit you can use up to 24 hours in advance.

Because when you work your glute muscles hard enough, they will temporarily become inflamed and swell as your body works to recover from the workout.

Result? Big, round, and juicy bootay.

You can also use this workout to grow your glutes on a regular basis. Push yourself harder each week for 3 weeks then on the fourth, do half as many reps with heavier weight to give yourself a little bit of a break.

You could either add more weights, or add more reps to the exercises to increase the intensity.

It’s all in the video below.

Check it out!

P.S. Drop a comment with your best bro line. I love how creative guys are.

P.P.S. Get your questions answered in my next post by dropping them in the comments.

Until next time…


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